We participate in several projects aiming at preservation the culturale heritage and to support tourism thanks to the valorisation of culture and museums


RECOLOR enhances the tourism potential of urban and natural landscapes in Croatia and Italy, promoting relevant and less known artworks, creating specific itineraries, and developing new tourist offers


REVIVAL involves dismissed areas, buildings and industrial complexes of architectonical and historical meaning from the 20th century lying in a state of abandon and decay, in Italy and in Croatia


HICAPS project has built eight concepts on how to revitalize different castle parks. By building interactive contents and by developing tools, its aim was to enrich park spaces and turn them into a place for spending time in, socializing in nature, interaction, a places for educational workshops, game, etc.


CREATIVE MUSEUMS aims to analyze how cultural institutions are connected and communicate with their community of citizens, taking advantage of the better use of digital technologies to ensure the rapid transfer of information


The Making Museum  disseminated the results of the previous Creative Museum project, aiming to increase the collaboration among the museums and the community of makers, the creative artists.
