In this section we offer free materials and resources (OERs) targeting educators, teachers, practitioners involved in different educational levels, from early childhood to higher education, that will inspire and support them in their practice.

Within the ETF DIGI ENE Initiative ” Developing and Sharing Excellence on digitalisation of teaching and learning”, STEPS is happy to communicate that we published the Development Projects Compendium, and it’s available for download HERE.

The report introduces the objectives of the DIGI ENE Initiative an explains the methodological approach applied to the implementation of project, as well as presenting an overview of activities, and collating main outputs and findings.

The report was drafted by STePS for the European Training Foundation (ETF)

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Educational resources + transversal board game + Guide for Educatorsare going to help students better understand challenges of the modern world, stimulate intercultural understanding and cultural sensitivity; enhance the idea of Global Citizenship Education as a cross curricular subject (part of history lessons, geography, maths, social sciences, humanities but can be (is) transmitted in non-formal context by NGOs; extracurricular); raising awareness of the European Union values of unity and diversity, as well as their social, cultural and historical heritage.

Navigate all resources available for you on the following platform

SOLET (Self-organised learning environment for Teachers) is a free online course that aims at enhancing teachers’ knowledge and competences in relation to using digital technologies to support pedagogical, communicative, creative and collaborative activities.

This online course facilitate the integration of critical digital literacies into the participants’ educational practices and contribute to their professional development.

#digitalcompetence #teachersdevelopment 

The aim of the School mentoring model is to foster the adoption of digital innovation at school level. The focus is on teachers’ understanding of digital technology and practices to implement technology in a pedagogically meaningful way. The model promotes teachers’ professional learning with peers and school management to create the culture and practices for evidence-informed implementation of digital innovation.

Is your school making the most of digital technologies for teaching and learning? How to assess the digital potential of your school? What leads to #innovation? What does the “digitally-innovative school mean”?

Watch the expert talk about adoption of Whole-school Level Digital Innovation in Schools.

#wholeschoolapproach #mentoring #digital #innovation 

Making what your students learn meaningful by engaging them in relevant and real-world learning. THINKIDS is proposing a practical “authentic learning approach” based on the 8 EU key competences for lifelong learning and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to support educators and children (ages from 3 to 11) find coherence between what they think, what they want or feel, and what they do.

In education, the term authentic learning refers to a wide variety of educational and instructional techniques focused on connecting what students are taught in school to real-world issues, problems, and applications. Here you can freely access innovative training materials for 3-11 school education teachers and educators.

#keycompetences #SDGs #authenticlearning #thinkids #ECEC 

FULLSTEAM AHEAD equally promotes STEM studies and careers to girls and boys students, deconstructs the notion of STEM as a ‘masculine club’ and exploits the STEAM framework igniting critical thinking, problem-solving and the creative process in STEM teaching, rather than within conventional, isolated knowledge compartments.

You can find here Online teacher-training modules for a de-gendered STEM teaching approach.

#STEM #critical thinking #problem-solving

These resources aim to minimize gender stereotypes by offering the tools and activities for students’ development of critical and creative thinking, self-awareness and character-building skills.

This set of educational picture books was developed as an interactive multipurpose didactical tool within the BEAGLE  project. The book is published online, easily downloadable in PDF formatting, and free for use. Here, you can find thematic picture books, main versions on English, as well as versions translated in Croatian, Slovenian, Italian and Greek.

environment #gender #stereotypes #ethicaleducation

School gardens are spreading all over Europe, as natural places where children can have: real contact with nature, discover the origin of their food, observe flowers and vegetables growing, experiment with natural growth and learn life skills such as responsibility, cooperation and self-confidence through achieving. However, the permanent exploration of school gardens is often difficult to achieve due to several factors: unsuitable school location (land availability or contamination), difficultly accessing water, lack of funds, access and maintenance limitation during the school holidays and lack of specialised teachers or personnel for permanent and expert garden care besides pedagogical activities.

Find the Guidelines on the adoption of innovative and inclusive pedagogical practices at pre-school level, based on urban and social horticulture

horticulture #ECEC #schoolgardens #life skills

GARDEN of IDEAS composed of SEEDS (activities) facilitating cultivation of FLOWERS (elements of intercultural mindfulness).

16 SEEDS: activities empowering parents/educators dialogue with children/students on their identity, values, cultural heritage, mutual understanding facilitating cultivation of FLOWERS (elements of intercultural competence). You can visualise the BOOKLET here.

Garden is the synonym of diversity, coexistence of many different varieties (each one important for the other) like the modern world we (and our children) live in today. 

With “GARDEN of IDEAS” you will have a chance to play with “silent” books (used as an innovative possibility for intercultural education) to increase the ability of children to function at the borders between several languages/dialects/, maneuvering and negotiating cultural understanding and misunderstanding.

The TOOLKIT stimulates cooperative learning, increases critical awareness of gender stereotypes and benefits the creation of a respectful, inclusive workplace.

The whole programme consists of 24 learning resources with real-life case studies, which promote diversity, egalitarian values, prevent sexism and gender violence among employees through different activities (including audio and video materials). Please find the TOOLKIT HERE
