
The LAB-MOVIE Project aims to create a Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam universities in order to analyse and understand the local labour market and acquire information about its demand and offer. 

In a labour market that is continuously evolving, especially in the technological and digital fields, this Observatory will allow universities to provide useful information to their students, in order to guide them in the employment search and to adapt the training offer of universities according to the effective needs of companies and enterprises.

The specific objectives this project sets out to achieve are:

  • To monitor the identified economic sectors, providing a brief national overview and a deeper description at local level;
  • To understand and describe the enterprise’ structures and organisation;
  • To list all the professional roles within the enterprises, and to describe them in detail (tasks, activities, required competencies and skills);
  • To find out, together with the entrepreneurs, the training gaps of each professional role;
  • To collect feedback and suggestions on the best training offer for young people, who would like to develop their job career;
  • To activate a constructive dialogue between the teachers (who need to train students for the work) and enterprises (who create jobs thanks to their activities).
  • More info at:

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