
THINKIDS is an Erasmus+ project proposing to design and test a practical “authentic learning approach” based on the EU key competences for lifelong learning and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to support educators and children (ages from3 to 11) find coherence between what they think, what they want or feel, and what they do. 

THINKIDS will be enhancing early childhood and primary teachers’ initial education, as well their continuous professional development by equipping them with a theoretical curriculum and a practical Handbook with 24 educational authentic learning resources focusing on the 8 key competences for lifelong learning and the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The THINKIDS project is developed in the partnership with: 

o   JOHANNITER-UNFALL-HILFE EV,Germany (coordinator) 

o   Innovation Training Center (ITC), Spain 

o   STePS, Italy 

o   Asociacion Mundial de EducadoresInfantiles (AMEI-WAECE), Spain 

o   Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum, Romania 

o   Petit Philosophy, Croatia 

Have a look at the BROCHURE 
